Seminar 2: Unconscious Communication – Making better connections with your clients, and yourself.

Unconscious Communication – Making better connections with your clients, and yourself.

Dr. Naveed Akhtar

Speaker: Dr. Naveed Akhtar
Co-chair of the Integrated Medicine Alliance , Principal GP with Special Interests in Minor Surgery, Musculoskeletal Medicine , and Mental Health

➡️ Description

Through his journey into Integrative Health, having interviewed almost 100 different complementary therapists practising different disciplines, Dr Akhtar has found that certain principles practised in them run as a common theme and can effectively and easily be learned to improve, level-up, and make your consultations more effective and efficient. Dr Akhtar has incorporated NLP and marketing from the business world and combined it with Hypnotherapy and various Psychotherapies from the medical world as well as incorporating other complementary sciences in combination with modern teaching and learning techniques to design a course, entitled Unconscious Communication that will consistently give you the skills and confidence to be able to communicate and heal effectively.

During this 90-minute seminar, Dr Akhtar will share with you some of what is possible with Unconscious Communication, influencing subconscious behaviour through both verbal and non-verbal cues, NLP and Hypnotic Techniques, as well as Behavioural Science and Influence skills. Discover how to apply these techniques in your everyday practice, enhancing patient engagement and treatment outcomes like never before.

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