Seminar #7: Reflex to Consciousness: The Cranio-Sacral System

Seminar #7: Reflex to Consciousness: The Cranio-Sacral System


Speaker: Ildiko Zambo,
Founder of IZ Reflex and Faure Alderson Academy of Cranio-Sacral Reflexology Quebec

➡️ Prerequisites:

Reflexology certification or reflexology course finishing students.

➡️ Description

This presentation delves into the profound significance of the Cranio-Sacral System, a fundamental physiological system in our bodies. Originating prior to the embryonic heart’s first beat and persisting briefly after life’s end, it underpins all other bodily systems.

At its core is the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF), often referred to as “THE BREATH OF LIFE” or “THE LIQUID LIGHT.” Surrounding the central nervous system, CSF is crucial for brain and body development and overall vitality, deeply linked to our consciousness and sense of self (“I AM”). Without this fluid the body cannot develop properly.

The presentation explores how an understanding of the CSF empowers clients of reflexology therapists to identify blockages anywhere in the body whether mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical. Attendees will learn key points along the spinal reflex that they can integrate into their sessions.

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