Seminar #2 – Reflexology as an Integrative Oncology Service

Seminar #2
Reflexology as an Integrative Oncology Service



Presenter: Gretel Spiegel

Reflexology Therapist, Researcher, and Holistic Wellness Coach


➡️ Description

Gretel worked at a purpose-built hospital offering services from screening to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and wellness, treating all types of cancer. They offer patients every necessary service and therapy, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, complementary therapies, and supportive care services, all in one centre.

She will share her journey to establish Reflexology as an accepted therapy for patients undergoing treatment, plus the results of her published research paper that she co-authored titled: ” Acupuncture and Reflexology for Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Cohort Study.”


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