Post-Conference Workshop: Being Intentional Within Your Reflexology Practice

Post-Conference Workshop – Being Intentional Within Your Reflexology Practice

Sherri Gunn Wilkins

Speaker: Sherri Gunn Wilkins

RCRT™, LCRT, LCRTT, and Owner of Heal and Toes Reflexology in Winnipeg, MB

Date: Monday, May 27, 2024
Time: 9:00am to 4:00pmCT
(includes a 30-minute lunch break and two 15-minute breaks)

➡️ Cost:
🔸 RAC Members – $ 125.00 + tax
🔸 Non-Members – $ 150.00 + tax

This workshop will be recorded and, baring no technical difficulties, distributed to all workshop registrants following the course.

➡️ Prerequisites
It’s optimal for workshop participants to have attended Sherri’s Being intentional with your reflexology sessions Conference presentation which sets the stage for this workshop.


 ➡️ Workshop Description

In this workshop, we will go through numerous ways to incorporate this powerful tool of intention into each of your reflexology sessions. We will also take an in-depth look at how to be intentional within all aspects of your practice.

We will start off by looking at the definition of intention, why it is important to use it, and how to create powerful and effective intentions. We will look at 6 different areas or steps where you can add intention into your practice.

Step 5 takes a detailed look at a reflexology session from start to finish to see how everything you do has meaning and purpose, even your relaxation techniques! Then we will continue on to look at how each reflex you work on has potential to help your client’s condition improve. In this section we will take a look at many connections and interconnections within the human body and look at how this knowledge can help you become intentional with the work you are doing in a reflexology session. We will also look at other connections like referral areas and some of the theories within Traditional Chinese Medicine and how to incorporate them into your assessment and treatment planning.

Here we will go through some practical examples like musculoskeletal issues, digestive issues, headaches and migraines.

We will end the day with a look at how to use intention within your business and even your life in order to help you set and accomplish your goals!

When you become intentional with your work you will see how this powerful and effective tool will help you create specialized treatment plans for your client.


 ➡️ Certificates

Certificates of attendance will be issued to all participants.


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