Susan Ramsey

As an experienced practitioner, lecturer and educator, Susan has dedicated three decades to supporting clients, public and members by sharing extensive knowledge gained nationally and internationally. Susan offers a wide range of natural therapies for all ages with a particular emphasis on reflexology. Through her daily work, her aim is to bring the business skills acquired in private practice and past employment to the Board. Susan has worked with Aged Care Residents, Staff and Volunteers including many years with Cancer Support and Care. Her dedication and commitment has seen Susan work with South Australian Branch, National Conference 2006 and 2018, Director 2009 -2015, and returned 2017 to current. Chair to the Board and National President current. She is the recipient of several national awards for her work and leadership. Susan resides in a rural remote seaside town in South Australia. She enjoys bushwalking, camping, photography, gardening, and fishing.

Susan has enjoyed being on the Board over the last few years and has gained so much from being a part of the Reflexology Association of Australia.

🡪 Susan will be attending the 2023 International Reflexology Conference virtually and participating as a panelist on the Panel Discussion: World Reflexology Consortium