Nancy is a Mental Health Works certified trainer at the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario. Nancy is a registered Social Worker who is a strong supporter, advocate, and champion for healthy communities built in partnership with their members. Over the last fourteen years, much of Nancy’s career has been dedicated to creating and delivering programs to support youth and young adults living with mental health challenges. As the co-creator of The New Mentality, Nancy successfully engaged youth from across Ontario to raise awareness about mental health while advocating for improved mental health services as a unified group with a strong and valid voice. Nancy’s passion for amplifying and integrating youth engagement into service delivery, coupled with the privilege of hearing the powerful stories of youth and families living with mental health, inspired her to return to school and pursue a Master of Social Work. As part of her graduate studies, Nancy supported the University of Guelph to explore best practices for resilience and worked to strengthen student-centered approaches to mental health and wellness on campus. Nancy’s bio would not be fully complete without introducing her guide Dog Neesa – a beautiful red-headed golden who has been at Nancy’s side for the last five years doing what she loves most – guiding and making people smile.


Nancy will be delivering: