Maralee Webber

Maralee Webber lives in Peachland, BC with her family and has been teaching Reflexology since 2018.

Having raised two children, one on the Autism Spectrum, Maralee saw firsthand how Reflexology can improve physical and mental health and bring about a state of calm well being. Over time Maralee developed a unique approach that helps the whole family get out of ‘flight or fight’ and cultivate a peaceful home life. Maralee developed the ‘STAR’ protocol (Specially Targeted Adaptive Reflexology) which enables Reflexology Therapists to create a positive sensory experience for special needs and highly sensitive children.


🡪 Maralee will be facilitating Seminar #8: Reflexology for working on people on the Autistic Spectrum and Workshop #6: STAR (Specially Targeted Adaptive Reflexology) Protocol for Autism Spectrum and Highly Sensitive Clients