Gretel Speigel

Gretel has trained in complementary therapies and holds Diplomas in Reflexology, Remedial Massage, Meditation Facilitation, and Holistic Wellness Coaching. She currently runs training programs in Reflexology and Oncology Care and Reiki levels I, II and III and is passionate about holistic healing, emotional well-being and assisting people in tapping into their innate healing ability. For eight years, she worked as a Clinical Reflexology Therapist in the Supportive Care and Integrative Medicine program at the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, a designated cancer care hospital in Sydney, Australia, working with both inpatients and outpatients until 2021

Gretel has presented as a keynote speaker for several international conferences such as the Reflexology Association of Australia, and Reflexology New Zealand.

🡪 Gretel Speigel will be facilitating  Seminar #2: Reflexology as an Integrative Oncology Service.