Christopher Shirley

Christopher Shirley, RCRT™ has practiced, taught, and promoted reflexology since 1978 when he attended a foot reflexology course with the late Dwight Byers of the International Institute of Reflexology.

From 1985 – 1987 he served as President of the Reflexology Association of British Columbia (RABC) and facilitated the listing of Reflexology under its own heading in the Yellow Pages.

From 1989 through to 1995, he taught the Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC) course in addition to his own courses. In 1990, Chris published his Reflexology Foot Chart followed by his Reflexology Hand Chart in 1996 and his Reflexology Ear Chart in 2002. In July 1992, Chris produced his instructional DVD “Foot Reflexology: A Step by Step Guide”.

Lynne Booth accepted Chris as a tutor for Vertical Reflexology Therapy, and he commenced teaching the VRT Basic and Advanced Courses in 2008.

Chris currently teaches his RAC accredited courses through his reflexology school, the Pacific Institute of Reflexology and is preparing his advanced reflexology courses for teaching online. He is also creating a Reflexology Resource Manual for reflexology practitioners.

Chris serves on the board of RABC and is a member of RAC, the Association of Reflexologists UK, and the International Council of Reflexology


🡪 Chris will be participating in the Chart Symposium – Let’s Talk about Charts.