
Welcome Session and Keynote#1

Welcome Session and Keynote#1 Presenter: Carol Heslin Leigh, RCRT™ | LCRT | Founder of The Sole Point Reflexology and Meditation ➡️ Description […]


Seminar 2: Unconscious Communication – Making better connections with your clients, and yourself.

Unconscious Communication – Making better connections with your clients, and yourself. Speaker: Dr. Naveed Akhtar Co-chair of the Integrated Medicine Alliance , […]


Seminar #6: Using TCM research data for future preventative of diabetes

Seminar #6: Using TCM research data for future preventative of diabetes Speaker: Inge Dougans Founder of Dougans International; Founder of The South […]


Seminar #1: Introduction to Structural Reflexology®

Introduction to Structural Reflexology® Speaker: Geraldine Villeneuve Founder of Structural Reflexology® ➡️ Description The goal of Structural Reflexology® is to help clients […]


Seminar #4: Being intentional with your reflexology sessions

Seminar #4: Being intentional with your reflexology sessions Speaker: Sherri Gunn Wilkins RCRT™, LCRT, LCRTT, and Owner of Heal and Toes Reflexology […]


Seminar #5: Addressing & Avoiding Foot Pain

Seminar #5: Addressing & Avoiding Foot Pain Speaker: Linda Frank RF, NBCR, LMT, NCREd & Principal of Reflexology Academy NW ➡️ Prerequisites: […]


Seminar #7: Reflex to Consciousness: The Cranio-Sacral System

Seminar #7: Reflex to Consciousness: The Cranio-Sacral System Speaker: Ildiko Zambo, Founder of IZ Reflex and Faure Alderson Academy of Cranio-Sacral Reflexology […]


Seminar #8: Professional Boundaries

Seminar #8: Professional Boundaries Speaker: Ailsa Keppie, BSc (Hons), SSE, MFT, RMT ➡️ Description As Professionals it is incumbent on us to […]


Seminar #3: Intro to Reflexology for Trauma & Addiction

Intro to Reflexology for Trauma & Addiction Speaker: Chantel C. Lucier Author, Certified Reflexology Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher, […]